Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Older Men And Women Discover 3 Weight Loss Myths

Being a man or woman over 50, just how many weight loss tips do you already know? Plenty of them, right? You’ve read them in the health and fitness magazines, you’ve seen them on TV and the Internet, you may have heard them from your doctor, and you’ve certainly discussed them with your friends.

As a wiser older person, by now you probably know, although may not want to believe, that fad diets, weight loss pills and supplements do not work. However, for some reason, we constantly hold out hope that THIS diet or pill or piece of exercise equipment will be the ONE. And let's not insult your intelligence by lecturing you on the need to take in fewer calories than you use up during the day.

Listen, here's the problem. The weight loss industry is filled with myths and misleading information. Why is this? Maybe it's because they want you to buy their products. People also misinterpret information and so truths may get twisted. Here are three common myths and the truth about each one that men and women over 50 have discovered.

Myth #1: It is possible to accomplish spot reduction of fat. FALSE! It is impossible to force your body to spot reduce, no matter what workouts you are doing. Doing crunches and leg lifts to reduce belly fat frequently reduces the muscle mass rather than the fat beneath the abdomen. So instead of focusing on working out one area of your body, it is best to work your entire body while you follow a healthy diet. This will certainly speed up your metabolism and that is what burns fat.

Myth #2: Drastically reducing calorie intake will reduce your body fat. FALSE again. This myth is what pushes people to crash diet. Hasn't most everyone tried this? Yes, you may have lost some water weight, but what happens when you drastically reduce your intake? Your body goes into starvation mode. Starvation mode actually slows your metabolism and burns muscle rather than fat for energy. So you lose muscle instead of fat, and when you return to your usual eating patterns, you will regain any weight lost, but not muscle.

Myth #3: Cardio exercises alone will help you lose weight. FALSE once more. Yes, cardio and aerobic exercises can help you lose fat, but you still need to add weight lifting. Actually, weight lifting is really better than both cardio and aerobics. Why? Because weight lifting helps your body burn fat not only during the workout, but also after the workout. That is great news for everyone, not only men and women over 50!

Debunking these three myths and proceeding on the right path of proper food intake and proper workouts will surely lead you to become a fat burner and lose that weight.

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