Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Healthy Resolutions Men And Women Over 50 Can Actually Keep

Exercise more and stick to your diet. Weren't those the same resolutions you made last year? And aren't you 10 pounds heavier and more out of shape than ever? Odds are that you set unrealistic goals. Don't give up; focus instead on goals that are more attainable and much less overwhelming when you're a man or woman over 50.

1. Don't eliminate entire food groups.

Giving up sugary foods or eliminating all carbs from your diet may help you lose weight, but such goals are nearly impossible to stick to long-term. Instead, just limit your intake.

2. Take a multivitamin - and women, add calcium.

For an easy, inexpensive bit of dietary insurance, take a multivitamin every day.

And if you're a woman, add a calcium supplement, too. If you're between the ages of 19 and 49, you need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. If you are 50 years of age or over, increase the amount to about 1,200. It's an easy way to prevent osteoporosis and other bone problems that plague women as they age.

3. Add just one more serving of fruits or vegetables every day.

Most of us struggle to get 5 servings, yet health experts recommend upping our intake to get 9 to 13 servings daily. There's no way most of us are going to double our intake of any type of food (well, maybe chocolate). So set a goal of adding just one serving a day. And when that becomes a habit, add another.

4. See the doctor annually.

If you're feeling okay, it's very tempting to pass up having an annual physical. Who has the time, right? But many health concerns can be caught before they become health problems if you get the recommended age-specific and gender-specific checkups.

For most women, that means having a Pap smear and breast evaluation done annually. Pap smear screenings check for cervical cancer, which is highly treatable if caught early.

Both men and women should have their blood pressure checked annually, since high blood pressure is much more common than most people realize. Because you don't feel any symptoms, your heart and other vital organs can be negatively affected for years if you don't have this simple screening.

Men and women over 50 should talk to their doctors about having some sort of screening for colon cancer too, another common cancer that is much easier to treat if detected early.

Talk to your physician about other screenings you might need, based on your age, gender and family history.

5. Add more exercise.

Much like doubling your intake of fruits and veggies, doubling (or more!) your exercise on a daily basis is so unrealistic as to be laughable. If you're a couch potato now, don't set a goal of running 4 miles a day.

Instead, add minor amounts of exercise that add up. Take the stairs. Park further away. Instead of telling yourself you'll walk for an hour, walk for 10 minutes. Almost anyone can fit that amount of exercise into their day, even into their lunch hour. And experts say that 3, 10-minute exercise sessions daily would do most men and women over 50 a world of good.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Are All Vitamins Created Equal For Men And Women Over 50?

Men and women over 50 have read the reports and seen the news. Our soil is depleted and lacks the necessary nutrients and minerals that our bodies need. The environment is toxic and wreaks havoc on our health. Free radicals attack our immune system. The only solution seems to be supplementation with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to compensate for environmental deficiencies.

After hearing all of this, what do most people do? They take a trip to the local supercenter or pharmacy, grab bottles of a popular supplement, and then think their job is done. It is a safe bet, however, that many people are not considering if what they consume is nutritionally complete and balanced. Not all supplements are created equal.

Dr. Myron Wentz, Ph.D and founder of USANA Health Sciences has this to say in the company's "Health and Freedom" brochure: " I began testing health supplements in my analytical laboratory to measure their nutritional balance and their effectiveness in promoting and sustaining a healthy life. Many of the products I analyzed were not only nutritionally unbalanced, but had incorrect and misleading labels. My research proved many times that what consumers thought they were buying and what they were receiving were two different things."

What can men and women over 50 do to ensure they are purchasing supplements that are high quality and nutritionally balanced? Here are 5 tips to assist in this process:

1. Perform careful research! Don't just go along with the latest fads. A good book to purchase is "The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc. MacWilliam is a former Canadian Member of Parliament and a current member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia. His book carefully analyzes over 500 products available in the US and Canada. The products that are listed at the top are best in the market today.

2. Look for a company who invests significant time and money in extensive scientific research, has worldwide scientific alliances, and who puts quality first.

3. Check to see if there is a guaranteed potency. Yes, there are companies who offer this and who follow stringent analytical and quality control procedures. In other words, what you see on a product's label is actually in the product.

4. Make sure the company's products follow pharmaceutical-grade good manufacturing practices (GMP). This is a step above FDA regulations. This means a variety of government agencies conduct periodic inspections and require control of procedures, as well as documentation.

5. Lastly, look to see if the company's products provide a money-back guarantee. Believe it or not, there is a company that is so confident about its products that if offers a revolutionary one million money-back guarantee to some professional and world class athletes.

Follow the above 5 tips for optimal health in men and women over 50!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Understanding Breast Cancer For Women Over 50

Every woman who hears the words ‘breast cancer’ feels a sense of fear. What is breast cancer and can you prevent it? Here are some facts about breast cancer every woman should know…

What Should I Know About Breast Cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women after skin cancer. While it is also possible for a man to get breast cancer women are 100 times more likely to develop it than men.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in women. Lung cancer is the leading cause. The chance of dying from breast cancer is one in 33, but that number is decreasing as new forms of treatment and early detection are being implemented.

There are several forms of breast cancer that occur in different areas of the breast. Most breast cancers are treated with radiation, chemotherapy or surgery. It depends on the type of cancer, how far it has spread and where it is located which treatment program is determined for any individual.

Great strides are taking place to treat and prevent breast cancer. Women with a high risk should discuss the possible preventive measures currently available with their doctor.

Who is More Likely to Get It?

The American Cancer Society reports that 1 in 8 women in the US will experience invasive breast cancer in her lifetime.

While every woman is at risk there are certain factors that increase the likelihood a person may develop breast cancer. Not having these risk factors does not mean you will not develop cancer just as being at a high risk doesn’t mean you will develop cancer.

Smoking, age and family history are the common factors that are assessed when determining risk.

While smoking can be controlled, age and family history cannot. The older you are the greater the risk that you will develop breast cancer – almost 8 out of 10 women diagnosed with breast cancer are over 50. If women in your family developed breast cancer you are also at an increased risk.

Certain genetic changes increase the risk to as high as 80% that a woman will develop the cancer. Testing for these changes can help a woman and her doctor discuss preventative measures that might be taken.

Caucasian women have a higher risk of developing breast cancer but African-American women more often die from the disease. Asians, Hispanics and American Indian women are less likely to get it.

Starting your period (menstruation) before age 12 or going through menopause after 55 slightly increases the risk.

Having taken the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol), which some women were given in the belief it would prevent them from losing a baby, slightly increases the risk while radiation to the chest earlier in life greatly increases the risk.

Being overweight, use of alcohol, long term use of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and not having children have all been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Using birth control pills may increase the risk and should be discussed with your doctor.

On the other hand exercise, healthy eating (especially reducing the intake of alcohol and red meats) or having had children early in life and breastfeeding for as long as 1 ½ -2 years have been linked to a REDUCED risk of developing breast cancer.

What Can I Do to Reduce the Risk?

Since early detection is so important it is vital that women learn how to detect lumps in their breasts and understand what precautions must be taken. Those who are more at risk of developing cancer should take extra steps to detect cancer as early as possible since the lumps found by self-examination are much farther progressed than those found by other forms of detection.

While a doctor or nurse can show you how to perform a BSE (breast self-exam) the American Cancer Society still recommends women in their 20’s and 30’s should have a clinical exam every three years and once a year after 40. After 40 most women should also have regular mammograms to catch cancers earlier.

Changes in the breast including dimpling, swelling, discharges other than milk or any other change to the nipple should be brought to the attention of a doctor. While most of changes can be linked to non-cancerous causes catching the cancer early is definitely the most important factor in surviving breast cancer.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Men And Women Over 50 Colon Cancer Factors And How to Reduce Them

The American Cancer Society reported in 2006 that about 150,000 Americans have been diagnosed with colon cancer. Here are seven risk factors for colon cancer for men and women over 50, and ways to reduce these risks.

1. The disease is more common in people over 50. As you would suspect, the older you become the more at risk you are. Unless someone discovers the fountain of youth, there is not much we can do with this factor.

2. Have you heard the expression, "Choose your parents carefully?" If one or more of your parents have developed colon cancer, the chances of you getting it are greater. The same goes for first-degree relatives: brothers, sisters, mother, and father. Again, there is not much we can do about this factor. However, you can start the screening tests for cancer at an earlier age; say 35 - 40 instead of 50, the standard age for screening.

3. Your personal history is important. If you've had a history of previous cancers or you have had colon cancer already, the risk factor increases. The key here is to do what you can to minimize the cancer the first time.

4. What you put into your body has a profound effect on not only the risk factor for colon cancer but also many health problems. It has been found that a diet that consists of foods that are high in fat and calories, especially fat from animal sources, can increase the risk for colon cancer. A diet that is low in fiber is also prone to increase the risks.

Finally, with risk factor four there is something men and women over 50 can do to lower their risk. Be aware of the food you are eating. Take the time to read the labels before you purchase your items from the store. There are so many alternatives to high fat, high calorie, and low fiber foods available that there is no excuse for not choosing the proper foods.

5. It should come as no surprise that smoking and using other tobacco products increase the risks of colon cancer. This is an easy fix. Stop smoking. Yes, nicotine is addictive and it's hard to stop, but there are many products that can help and support groups available.

6. Another no surprise is lifestyle factors. Do you drink alcohol? Do you not get enough exercise? Do you eat too much and are you overweight? All these increase the risk for men and women over 50. You know what to do here to improve your odds, just do it.

7. If you have diabetes, you have a 30-40% increase risk factor of developing colon cancer. The key here is to modify your diet to lessen the risk that diabetes imposes.

While these risk factors do not guarantee you will develop colon cancer, they should prompt you to discuss them with your doctor and start the screening process for cancer at an early age should you have these factors.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tips For Men And Women Over 50 To Grow Old Slowly And Gracefully

Men and women over 50 can probably remember what "old" people were 30 or 40 years ago. Usually they were people over 50! Most baby boomers no longer consider themselves old, which is quite possible with life expectancy going up year after year. But we need our health to assure us of a quality of life into our sixties, seventies and beyond.

Here are some really good tips to consider in order to grow old slowly, gracefully and healthfully.

1. Keep away from smoking. The most important general tip. We have all heard the many reasons not to smoke and to stay away from others' smoke.

2. Keep the weight down. Leanness is high on the list because fat cells have several bad effects - weight, hardening of the arteries and a propensity to cause type 2 diabetes.

3. Take supplements. Particularly alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine. These boost the energy output.

4. Skip a meal each day or fast a day each week. Eating less food appears to reduce tissue wear and tear from excess blood sugar, inflammation and free radicals. Drink plenty of water to replace the meal.

5. Get a pet. Pet owners tend to visit the doctor less, survive longer even after a heart attack, and suffer less from depression and high blood pressure.

6. Get medical help for chronic pain. If you are in pain, get it seen to. Chronic pain dampens the immune system, can cause depression and tends to elevate levels of the noxious stress hormone cortisol.

7. Get to walking. Through age, blood vessel walls tend to harden and exercise keeps blood vessels pliable. Light exercise also reduces the likelihood of diabetes, cancer, depression, dementia and even aging of the skin.

8. Reduce arguments. Arguments and bickering increase the risk of clogged arteries. Rather than allow arguments to simmer, agree that it is OK to have differing points of view.

9. Live around plants. Having a garden or greenhouse to grow plants in is a wonderful way to decrease stress or recuperate from illness. Just being able to see plants in a room or through windows has been proven to be beneficial to bed-ridden patients.

10. Do some weight-training. Strength training is almost as important as cardio exercise to the aging body. This is because from 40 on the body can lose a quarter-pound of muscle each year which is replaced with fat. Lifting weights 3 times a week for a half-hour can easily replace that lost through natural aging.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why Men And Women Over 50 Should Eat A Raw Food Diet

If you're reading this article, you may be wondering about the benefits of a raw food diet, right? Well, the benefits of eating more raw foods are numerous and once you understand them you'll probably wonder why you haven't eaten more raw in the past. You'll also think twice about eating dead cooked foods ever again.

Raw Foods Give You More Energy

I don't think I know of a single person who eats at least 80% raw foods who doesn't enjoy far more energy than the average person. I know that when I transitioned away from eating a diet made up of breads, dairy, and cooked foods, and adopted more of a raw foods diet, my energy went through the roof. And I'm not talking about the quick surge you would get from an espresso but rather long-lasting energy that enables you to do more with less.

For instance, eating raw will allow you to sleep less and have far more energy than you ever thought possible. When I'm eating at least 80% raw, I can easily function on just 4-5 hours of sleep. I literally bounce out of bed and don't require any naps throughout the day. Oh yeah, did I mention that I workout every single day as well? Sometimes, even twice!

Energizing Enzymes

There are several reasons why a raw food diet will give you more energy. First, raw foods are rich in food enzymes. Enzymes are required for every single reaction in the body. Unfortunately, our bodies only have a finite number of these enzymes, so when we run out, we run out of life! To add to this, when you heat foods above 118 degrees fahrenheit, you destroy the food enzymes that are naturally present in all raw foods. Therefore, if you eat a predominantly cooked foods diet, you're not getting enough food enzymes, which means that your body will have to produce and use more of its own to digest and metabolize your foods.

The more energy your body needs to divert towards digestion, the less energy you will have for other activities. You will feel more lethargic and tired as your body is trying to breakdown "dead" foods and figure out what to do with them.

So, the food enzymes inherent in raw foods are a big reason for boosting your body's energy. They are the spark plugs and are intricately related to the next property that make raw foods so energy-boosting.

Life Force

When raw foods are left intact, they are also known as living foods. They are called "living" because they carry an incredible amount of life force.

Now, since every living being has an aura or energy field illuminating from their body, which foods do you think would enhance yours? High energy raw foods or cooked foods that dead? I think we both know the answer.

As I like to say, "eat alive and you will thrive".

Weight Loss and Beautiful Skin

The other highly sought-after quality of a raw foods diet is its ability to help you lose weight and beautify your skin. Almost all raw foodists have reported losing weight they could never lose. At the same time, they notice an instant improvement in their skin. They look younger and have a natural glow that comes about because of the "living" nature of raw foods, their abundance of enzymes, and of course the plethora of nutrients that are ingested when eating more fruits and vegetables.

You will find it easier to lose weight on a raw food diet because your getting more nutrients and, therefore, your body won't crave "dead" foods. Second, the enzymes help to breakdown the foods you are eating and excess energy and fat stores in your body. Third, raw foods are water-rich, which helps you feel more satiated, as well as hydrated.

Many of these reasons also help us explain why living foods make you look younger and beautify your skin. Enzymes, life force, water, and high quality nutrients all play a role in natural skin care.

We could talk about the benefits of a raw food diet for hours but the only to truly understand them is to experience them for yourself. So why not take action today and enjoy the health, the body, and the vitality that you deserve!

About the Author

Yuri Elkaim is one of the world’s leading holistic nutrition and health experts. If you want to lose weight and live your healthiest and most energetic life ever, then you can learn more about his raw food diet book, Eating for Energy and get started with a FREE 6-part Energy Secrets e-course by visiting EatingforEnergy today.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How Diet Affects Sexual Performance In Men And Women Over 50

On the one hand it is said that men think about sex every few seconds. On the other hand there is a multi-billion dollar industry in pharmaceuticals for treatment of erectile and sexual dysfunction, especially for men over 50. Obviously there is a significant disconnect between the desire to perform compared with the ability to perform effectively.

The human sexual response is incredibly complex and is influenced by many elements including psychological, physical and environmental factors. Aphrodisiacs have been promoted to increase libido and sexual performance for over 5000 years. The term Aphrodisiac is named after the Greek Goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite and has over time included many and varied foods, drugs, drinks, scents and devices.

Chilies and Spicy Foods have been thought to be an aphrodisiac since it produced sweating and increased heart rate similar to that experienced during sex.

Other items such as Ginseng (which translates to "Man root"), Oysters and Rhinoceros horn have earned a reputation as Aphrodisiacs primarily due to their physical resemblance to the external genitalia.

However, given the complexity of the sexual response it is unlikely that any one element will work in all circumstances or work at all. The multitude of spurious claims made by promoters of so called aphrodisiacs prompted the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue a declaration in 1989 that there was no scientific evidence that any of the over the counter aphrodisiacs work to cure sexual dysfunction.

While there may be no magic potion that will cure all forms of sexual dysfunction there are many commonsense dietary rules that could impact positively on libido and sexual performance.

It is an almost a self-evident fact that a diet that promotes general health and well being will also promote sexual health and sexual performance. Anyone who has suffered a simple ailment such as the common cold will testify that libido and sexual desire are the first casualties of a lack of general well being. It's extremely hard to feel "sexy" or sexually aroused when other bodily functions are not at par. Blood flow to sexual organs is an integral part of the arousal process in both males and females. As a result a diet that promotes heart and circulatory health will almost inevitably improve sexual performance.

Obesity is another killer of libido and sexual performance for men and women over 50. It impacts in many ways. Firstly, obesity is often associated with plaque build up in arteries that affect circulation of blood through the body including the genitalia. This not only decreases sexual performance but may also reduce sexual pleasure. Secondly obesity is also a risk factor for erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels. Studies at the University of Columbia Medical School have shown that weight reduction can lead to increased levels of testosterone and consequently improved sexual performance. On the other hand too little fat in the diet may not be a good thing either. Some fat is required for the production of hormones. Hence it is important to strike a sensible balance.

There are also certain other specific foods that are credited with an improved sex life while others are to be discouraged.

Alcohol in moderation may lower inhibitions and help to set the mood. However, when consumed to excess although it may heighten desire it definitely impairs sexual performance.

Chocolate contains a compound called phenylethylamine that triggers the release of dopamine a chemical that is also released during orgasm. As a result chocolate can promote feelings of euphoria and enhance pleasure.

Chilies can stimulate the nervous system, which in turn may accentuate the sense of sexual arousal. This may be achieved through the release of endorphins in the brain.

Ginger is believed to have a similar stimulant effect that improves circulation to the genitals.

Honey is rich in the mineral Boron that helps the body utilize the hormone estrogen.

Oysters may be good for you after all. Their magic powers however have nothing to do with their appearance. Instead it is their zinc content, which is valuable. Zinc is essential for production of testosterone and zinc deficiency may cause prostate problems in men. Healthy zinc levels are also vital to maintain sperm counts for men over 50.

Soy is credited with benefits in combating the effects of PMS and Menopause in women over 50 and may help improve vaginal lubrication by better utilizing estrogen. Soy is also believed to promote prostate health.

There may not be any magic potion to create a raging libido and sexual desire and performance may be affected by many factors besides what men and women over 50 eat. However, the evidence seems clear -Maintaining a generally healthy diet and supplementing it with certain foods in moderation can have a positive impact on sex life.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Foods That Give Men And Women Over 50 Energy

It's really unfortunate that the vast majority of the population turns to stimulants instead of looking to whole foods for a boost of invigorating energy. I guess part of the problem is that humans are generally lazy and would rather take the "magic pill" to fix all their problems.
But when it comes to having more energy the irony is that the stimulating foods such coffee, sugar, and energy drinks actually fatigue your body in the long run. Sure they give you a quick jolt of energy but then their real effects are felt as they wear down your adrenal glands, disrupt your blood sugar, and create a huge crash after the initial high. Essentially they are drugs. They are not foods that give us energy.

Ok, then, what are some natural foods that will give you long-lasting energy?

Well, you may want to consider that no single food will give you more energy than your overall diet. Sure you could add in some of the energy foods I describe below, but if your diet is horrific to begin with, then you will not see the sustained level of energy that you want.

Instead of searching for "miracle" energy foods your goal should be to eat a diet that consists of foods that are vibrating at higher energies. This means eating more raw living foods. When a food has not been cooked, it maintains its natural energy properties (not to mention all of its other nutrients). Thus, when you eat raw foods, you're giving your body direct energy from the ultimate source - the sun - as most of these foods will be plant-based, and the sun is where they get their energy.

The closer you eat to the bottom of the food chain, the more nutrition and energy will you acquire. Think about it - it takes more of your energy to digest animal meat than it does to digest a green vegetable, right? Plus, this green veggie will have the maximum amount of living energy versus a dead animal carcass.

Thus, to have more energy, you need to follow a high energy diet. After that, you can start to knit pick and see which specific foods give you more energy, if at all.

To help you get started, here is a list of some my favourite energizing foods:

- wheat grass - if you haven't tried wheat grass then you're missing out on some big time energy and nutrition. Growing it and juicing yourself can be a bit of a pain but you can easily get a "shot" at most health food stores or juice bars. 1 oz of wheat grass juice packs more nutrition than 2.5 lbs of green leafy veggies!

- raw cacao (nibs or powder) - incredible source of magnesium, antioxidants, and life force. These give me a natural high that can last for hours without the subsequent like you would get from coffee and caffeinated beverages.

- goji berries - another incredible source of antioxidants and polysaccharides that improve cell-to-cell communication. I actually combine these with my raw cacao nibs and complementary tastes work really well together.

Remember that although these foods provide incredible nutrition they are the like the healthier version of coffee and other quick fixes. The key still remains to follow a raw foods diet, as much as possible, that will provide you with tons of life force, alkalinity, and nutrients to help your body thrive.

About the Author

Yuri Elkaim is one of the world’s leading holistic nutrition and health experts. If you want to lose weight and live your healthiest and most energetic life ever, then you can learn more about his raw food diet book, Eating for Energy and get started with a FREE 6-part Energy Secrets e-course by visiting today.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can Folic Acid Levels Really Regulate Dementia In Men And Women Over 50?

Some experts are suggesting that men and women over 50 should decrease their intake of folate or folic acids to below the Recommended Daily Allowance, or RDA for short, levels.

But, is the reduction of folic acids to below RDA levels really sound advice?

The answer is "probably not" and to understand why you can start by looking at a study of dementia in the elderly that was published recently in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.

In this study scientists looked at 518 people over the age of 65. At the start of the study and again at the end of the study they measured the levels of folic acid, vitamin B12 and homocysteine. Then they followed the people in the study for two full years.

The findings by the scientists at the end of the study were really interesting; forty-five people had developed dementia. Of these, thirty-four had Alzheimer's disease, 7 had vascular dementia, and four had "other" types of dementia. As expected, dementia was more likely in those who were older, relatively poorly educated, inactive, and had deposits of a protein called ApoE. For those who do not know, ApoE is a protein which combines with fats (lipids) in the body to form molecules called lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are responsible for packaging cholesterol and other fats and carrying them through the bloodstream.

From these findings, there is a really striking point in that those people who had low blood levels of folic acid at the beginning of the study were almost 3.5 times more likely to develop dementia! Now this was a relatively small study and it would be fairly easy to ignore except that there are at least four or five other studies over the past few years that have come to the same conclusion.

Due to this published study and other research, it now appears to be fairly clear that folic acid deficiency in people over 65 predisposes them to dementia, so it makes absolutely no sense to recommend that men and women over 50 get less than the RDA level of folic acid in their diet.

As one may guess, there is a lot of scientific deliberation that goes into setting the Recommended Daily Allowance levels for vitamins and minerals. So, one should be very wary of any recommendations that one should take single nutrients at levels far above the RDA. But, also one should be wary of recommendations to purposely consume any nutrient at levels below the RDA.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Calcium And Milk Myth Exposed For Men And Women Over 50

Being a man or woman over 50, have you ever really questioned why we are encouraged to drink milk? It's probably because we were taught that it was because of the calcium weren't we?


And milk, where does it come from? Cows right? Well, where do cows get their food from? The grass! The grass is green and it contains huge amounts of calcium, as well as other alkalizing minerals.

You see, we have been brainwashed into believing that cow's milk and dairy are essential for us to grow big and strong. That couldn't possibly be right especially when you consider the following...

Cow's milk provides 118 mg of calcium/100 g. The daily recommended intake of milk (depending on the authority) is between 800 - 1,200 mg of calcium/day.

click here -->>

Now, in order to meet daily requirements, and assuming that dairy is a balanced source of calcium (which it is not), you would need to consume at minimum 0.88 - 1.22 liters of 2% milk per day (considering 1 g of 2% milk = 1.1 ml)! That's four to five 250 ml cups of milk per day. That's crazy!

And here's another fact. Dairy is the most common food allergen in the world! After the age of 2, our body no longer produces the enzyme lactase to breakdown lactose (sugar in dairy). This leads to a myriad of
problems including bloating, gas, indigestion, skin problems (such as eczema), and excess mucus production.

However, there is an alternative to dairy however (and it''s not soy milk).

To find out what it is and how you can easily use it in your diet be sure to get started with Eating for Energy today.

Go now!


HINT: Eat alive and you will thrive!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Can Upper Back Pain Exercise Ease The Pain In Men And Women Over 50?

Upper back and lower back pain problems are plaguing millions of men and women over 50 everyday. Any good chiropractor could confirm this for you. In fact, you don't need to contact a back surgeon to find out the truth of this quandary. Just do a simple Google search on the term "common back pain" and you will bring up over 50,100,000 options for you to read So, you may be there a while.

To search on less potential terms but still relevant to "common back pain" just put that term in quotes just like you see it there and you would narrow the field to 15,700 web pages to review for that term.

Lets suppose you want to get some pain relief from your chronic upper back pain issues. The first thing to do is contact your doctor. Either find a good chiropractor or ask your medical doctor for advice. The only challenge is that many medical doctors will want to keep you in "network" and you may not be able to get coverage from an insurance standpoint of the visits to a chiropractor.

Chiropractors are worth their weight in gold as the saying goes. They really understand and specialize in helping people just like you with upper back pain problems.

Sometimes you may get a referral to a good chiropractor from and fellow church member or someone you know from your job. This is the best starting point because a satisfied patient is often the best advertisement a doctor could ever want.

Most of the times we go to doctor after doctor with no meaningful relief in sight. We search for doctors as if in the dark for help and pain relief. And after enduring months or years of pain, we find someone that makes our healing almost worth the excruciating pain.

Men and women over 50 who work in factories have it doubly hard. They may drive heavy construction machinery and just cannot take the constant pain and pressure on the discs in their back.

You should see your doctor and ask them for some easy back stretches you can do. Always strive to work in concert with your doctors care. Before you finish reading this article, you should Goggle search the term, "Easy back pain exercises". You will find pictures, videos and various other media such as pdf reports of just how to do these exercise for maximum value and less effort.

Hope this helps you feel better soon.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Ultimate Health Herbs Needed By Men Over 50

Are there some ultimate health herbs needed by men over 50 years of age? You can bet the family farm there are! However, before we discover what they are, let's have a brief history of herbal use.

Are you aware there are written records of herbs having been used by mankind dating back to 1600 B.C. when the Egyptians had access to a record of no less than 700 herbal medicines?

Even the father of modern or Western medicine, Hippocrates, had recorded more than 300 herbal therapies himself whereas another Greek physician, Dioscorides, wrote his classic "De Materia Medica," detailing over 500 herbal remedies, which was used by doctors as a medical textbook for over 1000 years.

Nowadays, more smart  and informed people turn to using herbs for everyday ailments than ever before because the natural powers of herbs have proven themselves time and again that they're whole lot more compatible to the human body than their counterpart - artificial chemical drugs - and that they produce more biologically synergistic benefits that can bring forth desired results much faster.

Just like younger fellas, men over 50 can also depend on a "certain" kind of herbs to push their vitality level higher... which then can turn them into more "man" than they can ever dream of.

Here are 7 vitally important ultimate health herbs that all men over 50 should not live without:

1. Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn, being a heart tonic, can help to ensure regular heart rhythm and strengthen heart muscle. It is of great help at times of stress too.

2. Garlic

Garlic helps to prevent heart diseases, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and abnormal blood clots. The most important benefit among all others is its ability to slow the destruction of brain cells and to stimulate new neuronal connections.

3. Gotu Kola

A traditional blood tonic that helps to improve blood circulation, which then improves memory and boosts alertness.

4. Milk Thistle

This is considered as the "King of Liver Detox," because it can heal liver damage caused by too much alcohol and drugs. Its powerfulness far exceeds vitamin C and E combined!

5. Black and Green Tea

Drinking such healthful teas can help to detoxify, reduce and eliminate buildup of plaque in arteries and thus lower the chance of heart diseases. Free radicals, formation of cancer, growth of cancer...are out of the question with daily intake of black and green tea. Yes, it's that powerful!

6. Saw Palmetto

It limits the multiplication of protein cells and prohibits tissue swelling. Older men who suffer from frequent, painful urination and fluid retention will see quick relief after using this herbal.

7. Tribulus Terrestris

Not only is it well known for improving men over 50 sexual potency and functions, but it is also famous for improving waning muscle strength, lowering cholesterol... and has all kinds of anti-oxidant properties.

When smart and informed men over 50 take these 7 vitally important herbs together on a regular basis, they can find themselves so energized and empowered that their energy levels will often be many times better than when they were younger in their teenage years.

However, you need to be aware of the fact not all herbs meet the necessary strengths and qualities needed for ultimate health. So please do your due diligence and be very careful of where you buy your herbs from.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Natural Ways For Men And Women To Prevent Back Pain

Back pain, especially lower back pain, is an extremely common complaint in men and women over 50. In fact it is estimated that up to 90% of all Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives, with over 50% experiencing more than one episode. There are a variety of causes of back pain that can make diagnosis and treatment quite complex.

In fact, the cause of back pain may not reside in the back at all but may be referred from ailments of other internal organs. As with most other health concerns prevention has many benefits over cure. Adopting a few simple commonsense measures can make a huge difference to the health and well being of your back.

Maintaining strong healthy muscles including back muscles is without doubt one of the most effective ways to help stave off back pain. Regular moderate exercise is essential for achieving strong muscles. Appropriate flexing and stretching together with exercise appropriate to the individual level of fitness is recommended.

Over half of all American men and women over 50 are overweight today. Excessive weight places extra strain on the spine and back muscles and is a common cause of back problems. Maintaining an optimal weight will help reduce these issues. An adequate and balanced diet is vital to maintain a healthy spine and back. Healthy diet promotes healthy bones and muscles and avoids the strain of obesity or excess weight.

Bad posture is another common culprit for backaches. Slouching and awkward posture puts additional strain on the spine and back. Maintaining good posture helps keep the spine in a neutral position keeping strain to a minimum.

Using safe and appropriate body mechanics also helps avoid back problems. Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the spine by providing it adequate support, for instance by bending legs and spreading the load when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting and jerking awkwardly when exerting back muscles.

Adequate rest and adequate support for the back during rest - Sleeping position can play an important role in back ailments. Sleeping in a fetal position, on one's side, is generally considered the most stress free position for the back while sleeping face down puts the most strain on neck and back. The importance of using a mattress that provides back and lumbar support cannot be stressed enough. A pillow of the correct height that supports your neck and ensures correct spinal alignment is vital. Current research suggests that a medium firm mattress is best for back support. Avoid pillows that force your neck and head up at awkward angles.

When sitting for extended periods of time ensure your seat provides sufficient back support. If necessary, use a pillow or cushion in the small of the back to help maintain its natural curve.

As indicated earlier back pain may not necessarily be reflective of a problem in the back but may be referred from other internal organs. Hence maintaining general good health will also help reduce back pain. Healthy diet, regular exercise and periodic medical checkups are strongly recommended for men and women over 50.

While back pain is becoming increasingly common it is clear that adopting some simple commonsense strategies can do much to prevent this scourge and keep it under control.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Is Myelofibrosis A Concern For Women Over 50?

Should women over 50 be concerned with Myelofibrosis? A big whopping YES... because Myelofibrosis is a serious condition that affects bone marrow cells and causes them to become fibrous and scarred. Bone marrow plays a vital role in production of blood cells. Therefore, myelofibrosis adversely impacts blood cell production. The number of red blood cells falls significantly, while white blood cell production increases. However, the white blood cells produced are malformed and often ineffective in fighting off infection. Platelets which are instrumental in clotting also fluctuate during the progression of the disease.

The onset of the disease is often gradual and the over 50 woman may not display significant symptoms in the early stages. Anemia as a result of low red blood cell production is often one of the earliest signs that something is amiss. As the bone marrow becomes less effective the spleen and liver take on an increasing role in production of blood cells. Consequently, most women develop splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) and a significant proportion have hepatomegaly (enlarged liver).

Other symptoms include:

Fatigue as a result of anemia.

Shortness of breath.

Painful bones especially in the lower legs.


Night sweats.

Susceptibility to infection from compromised immunity as a result of ineffective white blood cells.

Bruising and bleeding easily.

Pain and tightness below left ribs due to enlarged spleen.

Diagnosis would be made based on physical examination and confirmed by blood tests which reveal tear-drop shaped red blood cells and bone marrow tests showing increased fibrosis.

Even though Myelofibrosis can occur at any age, it is most common among women aged over 50. There is no cure and treatment is focussed mainly on alleviating the effects of the symptoms and slowing down its impact on other organs.

Speed at which the disease progresses varies considerably between individual women with survival ranging from one to fifteen years with an average of around five years.

Complications that can occur include:

Increased pressure in the liver. Enlarged spleen increases blood flow through the portal vein into the liver and can increase the risk of rupture of smaller blood vessels in the stomach and other internal organs. Liver failure is another complication in later stages of myelofibrosis.

Enlarged spleen also results in more platelets being sequestered in the spleen and drawn out of circulation. Reduced platelet count increases clotting times and also increases risk of bleeding and bruising.

Mutated white blood cells leave the immune system unable to combat infection and many opportunistic infections may take hold.

Some women may also develop an acute form of Leukemia which progresses rapidly.

Causes of Myelofibrosis are not known for certain... although there are some factors which appear to be related including:

Exposure to certain toxins such as Benzene and Thorium Dioxide.

It has also been linked with some genetic abnormalities. However, there is no conclusive evidence that it is congenital. In fact the preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that the cell mutation is acquired during the patient's lifetime.

Given that the cause is not known no preventative measures can be prescribed except to avoid exposure to the toxins suspected of having a part to play in development of this disease.