Wednesday, August 11, 2010

American Biological Medicine™ - A New Healthcare Solution

Originally published at: by David Jernigan of Hansa Center for Optimum Health

American Biological Medicine is based upon a relatively new philosophy within what is generically termed Alternative Medicine. This new philosophy is called Biological Medicine. Biological Medicine recognizes that all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit must be addressed and brought into optimal integrity before lasting health can be achieved.

Unlike other body/mind/spirit philosophies of the healing arts, American Biological Medicine is unique in that it is able to utilize the highly scientific, adjunctive diagnostic and treatment technique, Bio-Resonance Scanning™ (BRS), as well as conventional tests and the ancient healing arts of observation and intuition, to rapidly and accurately determine where interferences exist within the body, mind, or spirit. BRS helps to greatly diminish the educated “guesswork” of doctoring. BRS can be used to flow dynamically, in real-time, from interference-diagnostics to treatment selection and its correct application.

The reason it is important to discuss Biological Medicine and Bio-Resonance Scanning™ here is so that it can be appreciated as not promoting more “Drug-induced illusions of health, nor is promoting another “cookbook” solution to healing from any illness.

Cookbook healing means that, once diagnosed, the person is put on a standard “recipe” that is supposed to heal everyone. The reality is that as different as each of us look from one another on the outside, we are all just as unique on the inside.

For instance, it is now known that the supposed benefits of taking aspirin daily for the heart only works for about one third of people. Two thirds of the people taking aspirin for this purpose are getting no benefit because their body digests aspirin differently than the one third. (The natural supplement Nattokinase, a systemic proteolytic enzyme, works better than aspirin and is effective in over 95% of people.)

The reality of medicine and healing is that the world’s most astute and celebrated physicians cannot heal even the simplest paper cut, much less a complex illnesses plaguing society today.

Giving the body allopathic (symptom-relieving) prescription medicines or allopathically-oriented natural remedies and supplements that do not work synergistically with the body, but seek instead to bomb bacteria/viruses, or suppress a symptom, might as well be magic!

These medicines create only the drug-induced illusion of health. The reality underneath the illusion is that the illness is still there, evidenced by the fact that if you remove the medicine, all the symptoms return. Roughly 80% of western medicine simply enables you to die faster without feeling it.

If the physician cannot actually heal anything, and forcing the body into drug-induced illusions of health does not heal anything, then the focus of all health-related efforts must be to identify everything interfering with the optimal function and integrity of the body and then provide the body with the corrective/restorative treatments that will work to enable the body to heal itself.

Ultimately, healing is achieved by facilitating the body, mind, and spirit with:

Corrective information.

Restoring the transmission and reception of bio-information.

Providing the building blocks needed to restore optimal function and integrity.

The removal of structural, chemical, stress-related, and electromagnetic interferences to the normal structure and function of the body.

Replacing “disease mentality, and negative thought and emotional patterns with sustained, powerful DNA transforming thoughts and emotional patterns.

Restoring the integrity within the interdependent and interconnected body, mind, and spirit.

Author's Information

Dr. David A. Jernigan is the founder of Hansa Center for Optimum Health in Wichita, Kansas. 316-686-5900 Dr. Jernigan is also the President of the American Biological Medicine Association.