Friday, April 16, 2010

New Health Care Program Impact On America And It's Seniors

I haven't really taken a good look at the new health care program that was recently passed, but someone who I respect has taken a close look at it and here is his published findings on the impact it will have on seniors and America. I now turn you over to William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

"Social Medicine Will Bankrupt The Nation

America's best days may be in the past -- because social medicine WILL bankrupt us all.

The backwards plan that passed Congress recently doesn't fully take effect for years... but it's already costing us billions.

One new study finds that American companies will lose $14 billion this year alone because of tax changes in the bill. How many more jobs will that cost us? Don't ask your local politician -- he doesn't care.

But if he voted for the bill, be sure to send him to the back of the growing unemployment line in November.

Those same tax changes will cause companies to kill the prescription drug benefits many offer to retirees -- so up to 2 million seniors will have to find some other way to get their meds.

I'm all about finding alternatives to Big Pharma's worst drugs... but some people won't have a choice in the matter when they're faced with huge new bills.

Bankrupt seniors? YES WE CAN!

If you want to know the truth about ObamaCare, just take a look at some of its backers.

Shortly after this disastrous bill passed Congress, congratulations were sent out... from Fidel Castro in Havana! I don't need to tell you that this wasn't some friendly message from a neighbor, but a smug, gloating attack from a commie enemy who wants nothing more than to see America go the way of Cuba, and not just when it comes to medicine.

But while Castro grins into that beard of his, his own brother -- the man who's actually in charge of that nation now -- says Cuba needs to spend less on medicine.

That's right -- socialized medicine has gotten too expensive... even for the commies!

It's taken them decades to figure it out. How long will it take us to learn that same lesson -- and how much will it cost?"

Whether you or I agree or disagree, it's really something to think and be concerned about. What's your feelings on this?

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