Saturday, April 16, 2011

Is Long Term Care Insurance Necessary?

Sorry it has taken so long to publish another post, but I have been unusually busy with offline projects. However, I do want to address a major growing concern at this time... one that is not only a concern of mine, but millions of others also.

Have you ever thought about the need for long term care health insurance? So many haven't, but they should... just as the millions of people who are now not only thinking about it, but acting upon it. Is long term care insurance necessary? The short answer is a resounding YES! Just ask the number of soldiers ages 18 and up returning from the wars requiring long term care... maybe for the rest of their lives. Ask the millions of people injured in accidents yearly that will require long term care. What about you... what are the chances of something happening to you that will require long term care?

Millions upon millions of people are now concerned, and rightly so. People are asking what is the best age to buy long term care insurance? Does long term health care insurance have a cash value? How does long term health care insurance work? How much is long term health care insurance? What about protection of personal assets when on long term care? Are long term care benefit taxable? Can long term care insurance be deducted from paycheck before taxes? How can I use life insurance to pay for long term care insurance?

These are some of the top questions and concerns people are now having. Which ones have you given any thought to? Do you even know how to select long term care insurance?

I bring all of this to your attention because I am currently in the process of publishing a very affordable book that will answer all of the above questions and concerns... along with many others. However, before the book is published, I'd like to have your questions and concerns to be included before publication. So ask your questions here,and voice your concerns. Not only will you get the opportunity to have your questions and concerns addressed, but you will also get your personal copy of the publication for half off the already low cost. So get yours in now because time will be up very soon.

Until next time, be safe, be healthy, and be blessed.

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